Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Class Notes

Clerics are members of the Lawful Church of the Unconquered Sun, the only permitted religion in the Grand Kingdom, though the pagan Trosk still have their own harsh gods, Vatun, Frith, Kord et al. There are rumours of Anti-Clerics, followers of Chaos who wield the demonic power of Dark Magic.

The thriving Dwarf kingdom of Bolzak in the White Mountains is the most powerful realm in the Southland. The Bolzak Dwarves number in the thousands, and the vast majority of Dwarves in the Grand Kingdom hail from that proud realm. They are allies and trading partners of the Grand Kingdom, and bitter foes of the Orcs of Blood Forest.
Due to their small stature, Dwarves must use normal Swords two-handed.

Elves are rarely seen in this day and age. The few remaining in the western Grand Kingdom mostly hail from their refuge at Silverdim in the Twilight Forest. The Light Elves are strong in the cause of Law.
Elves in this campaign use the Cleric spell list. They choose spells known equal to their spells/day as normal, 1 at 1st level. In addition, Elves may Turn Undead as Clerics of equal level, for Elves do not fear the Ghosts of Men. There are persistent rumours of Dark Elves, Chaos spawn who wield the power of Dark Magic.

Most persons of note are members of this class, from the forest Rangers to proud Knights, fierce Kubar Nomads, Warrior-Monks, Guard commanders, veteran Mercenaries, and most Royal Courtiers.
A Fighter who rides a war horse may use a lance (spear) on a charge for +2 to hit & double damage- 2d6.

Most Halflings hail from Dunshire, in the north of the Southland. They are allied to the Dwarves of Bolzak and trade delicious foodstuffs in return for useful metalwork and pretty things. They are enemies of the pagan Swamp Trosk and Halfling-eating Lizardmen who dwell in the estuarial marshes to the north of the Southland.
Due to their small stature, Halflings must use normal Swords two-handed.

Magic-Users are rare and much feared, for it is known that some can control the minds of Men. Sensible Magi conceal their knowledge of the Art except from the most trusted.
Those who start with Read Magic as their known spell can begin with up to 3 1st level spell scrolls, at 50gp/scroll. Magic-Users may wear armour, but may not cast spells or read scrolls while in armour. They may use any weapon, but damage die is always 1d4 whatever the weapon.

Thieves are found as Spies, Scouts and Criminals, working in the shadows of the Grand Kingdom.
Thieves may wear any armour, but may not use their special class abilities while in medium (chain) or heavy (plate) armour.

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